The Full Testimony
Testimony of
Arbel Shauli
Terrorists invaded the Nova festival in the early morning. The invasion led to a mass flight. Arbel had shown extraordinary resourcefulness when, with the help of her friends, they escaped the place. They tried to find shelter in the settlement of Alumim but were shot by terrorists and had to continue fleeing. Even though a bullet hit her, Arbel continued her flight. A friend's car picked her up, and she and her friends and other partygoers managed together to reach safety. Upon her return home, in the weeks that followed, she attended all the funerals for many of her friends.
Place of the event:
Arbel Shauli
Date: 23.11.2023
Interview: Dori Sella
Photography: Ari Bloch
Video Editing: Ilia Ginzburg
Content Editing: Noah Bar Gosen
Translation: Shoshana Lavan

Other media
Nitzan Sinvaniy
From Nitzan Sinvaniy's testimony: "I’m sitting on someone, in the middle, if a bullet comes now, I’ll be the first one hit."
Maor Ben Yair
From maor ben yair's testimony: "There were about 200-300 people hiding there. At first, I saw five or seven people. When the military coordinator came, suddenly, everyone left. It's amazing to see how many people were hiding there. And there was only one military coordinator there with a gun."
Jhonatan ben naim
From Jhonatan ben naim's testimony: "The team from Shlomit, 15 km from us, did not have to come. They did it with a huge heart. People I owe my life to and the life of my family." | "Then I said: How do I kill them all? You know who everyone is, not the terrorists, without them feeling it." | "On the other hand, there was some sort of calm. There was no fear; there was nothing. Some kind of inner knowledge that it will end well" | "I thought all hope was last. Suddenly, there was silence. The fire did not light; the ignition fuse did not explode, and there was silence.""
Shalhevet Cohen
From Shalhevet Cohen's testimony: "We miraculously survived thanks to the vigilance of many parties who were in the area."
Raymond Reijnen
Raymond Reijnen from Nahal Oz: "We built everything in the 6 years we’re here. This is my place this is my Refet"
Vered Corinne
Vered Corinne: "We were just waiting for them to come and save us, and they didn't arrive".
Marlene Moszkowicz
Marlene Moszkowicz: "We wait now for the hostages to be released, reminds me of when I too waited."
Assaf Bavli
".Assaf Bavli's testimony: "I was not trained to be with the girls, I was trained to go out to fight